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Newly-elected lawmakers to take oath today

Staff Reporter:

Newly elected members of the 12th Jatiya Sangsad will take the oath today.
On the occasion, an oath taking ceremony will be held at 10 am at the Jatiya Sangsad oath-taking room, Jatiya Sangsad Chief Whip Nur-e Aalm Chowdhury confirmed yesterday.
Eleventh Jatiya Sangsad Speaker Dr Shirin Sharmin Chaudhury will formally administer the oath taking ceremony.
A gazette notification of MPs-elect is likely to be completed by today.
As per the constitutional rules, there is an obligation of taking oath within three days of the gazette noti-fication.
In the 12th parliamentary election held on January 7, the ruling Awami League won 222 seats out of 298, while independents won 62, Jatiya Party 11, and Bangladesh Workers Party, Jatiya Samajtantrik Dal and Bangladesh Kalyan Party won one seat each.
Polls to one constituency, Naogaon-2, were postponed following the death of a candidate in December.
The Election Commission will announce the result of another constituency, Mymensingh-3, later as poll-ing of one of the centres was withheld, Chief Election Commissioner Kazi Habibul Awal said on Mon-day.

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