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Home Minister says
No info of sabotage centering polls

Staff Reporter:

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan Kamal yesterday said there is no information of sabotage centering the national elections and the intelligence agencies are on alert to prevent any kind of untoward situa-tions.
“BNP has been hatching conspiracies against the elections since the beginning of the schedule.
They were born with sabotage.
So they will do it. Our security forces are quite alert about it. Our intelligence agencies are also working on it,” he told the journalists at his ministry office.
The minister said the members of the intelligence agencies have been working properly so that the BNP could not have much impact in such activities.
“I think the saboteurs will be resisted by the people of this country.
People will not give them any shelter. People don’t want to go back to the darkness.”
Stating about anarchism, Kamal, also a veteran freedom fighter, said that there was no advance warning from the intelligence agencies so far.
“Our law enforcement forces are working keeping in mind on BNP’s campaign against elections. So far we have not received any news. Action will be taken if any anarchy was taken place,” he added.
The Home Minister said that there was intelligence surveillance on possible sabotage and untoward inci-dents, adding, “If something like this is going to be done, the law and order forces will take action in-stantly.”
Regarding a report on extra judicial killings of the Ain Shalish Kendra, the minister said that it has been seen in the past that the reports of some foreign organizations were not true.
In this case, the information of the country’s Human Rights Commission is important, the minister said.

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