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‘Tarique to give speech on BNP movement today’

Staff Reporter:

BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman will give an important announcement on the opposition’s ongo-ing one-point movement today (Wednesday), party Senior Joint Secretary General Ruhul Kabir Rizvi said yesterday.
Speaking at a virtual press briefing on Tuesday afternoon, Rizvi came up with the discloser without elaboration.
“BNP Acting Chairman Tarique Rahman BNP will deliver an important speech on the ongoing move-ment today (Wednesday). He’ll also come up with an important announcement on the ongoing move-ment,” Rizvi said.
Rizvi, however, did not say the specific time and the medium of delivering Tarique’s speech.
Bangladeshi media outlets cannot publish, broadcast, screen, or reproduce any statement of Tarique Rahman following a court order.
On January 7, 2015, the High Court banned the broadcast, publication, and dissemination of speeches and statements of Tarique Rahman.
Tarique, who was declared a fugitive by Bangladesh courts, has been sentenced to life in jail in several cases, including that of money laundering, corruption and 21-August grenade attack on an Awami League rally.
On 11 September 2008, Tarique Rahman went to London for treatment, and he has been living with his family there since then.
He was arrested on 7 March, 2007 during the army-backed caretaker government and later released on parole on 3 September, 2008.

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