Staff Reporter:
The interim government has termed the vandalism carried out at the Dhanmondi-32 house on Wednesday night as an unfortunate and unexpected incident.
“Sheikh Hasina’s provocative speech, during her stay in India, against the July mass upsurge has sparked a deep anger in the people’s mind. The vandalism is an expression of anger,” said the government note issued on Thursday.
No attack or destruction was carried out at the house during the last six months of the interim government but it took place last night following the provocative speech of exiled Sheikh Hasina, it said.
In her speech, Sheikh Hasina dishonored and contempt those who sacrificed their lives during the July mass upsurge.
At the same time, she made inconsistent, nonsensical and hateful remarks over the death of the people during the oust government movement, said the statement.
Besides, after fleeing in the face of the mass upsurge, Sheikh Hasina spoke in her autocratic style and threatened those who participated in the July mass movement.
Even, she is issuing threat to create an unstable situation in Bangladesh, said the government statement.
Sheikh Hasina is rubbing salt into the wounds of the people who suffered during the July mass upsurge. The attack on the Dhanmondi-32 house is an outcome of her politics of vengeance, said the statement.
The government remains highly alert to protect the country, its people and their lives and properties while the members of different law enforcement agencies are on the streets to maintain law and order in the country.
A repeat of such incidents can be avoided if Sheikh Hasina, an accused in crimes against humanity with an arrest warrant, refrains from speaking during her stay in India, it said.
The government expects that India would never allow anyone to use its soil to create an unstable situation in Bangladesh, said the statement.