Staff Reporter:
Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) Commissioner SM Sajjat Ali yesterday said the practice of tak-ing to the streets in realizing the demand must be stopped for ensuring normal traffic movement.
“Practices of blocking streets to realize demands must be stopped to ensure the normal movement of city dwellers,” he said while addressing the annual general meeting of Bangladesh Crime Re-porter’s Association (CRAB) as chief guest at the Dhaka Club.
The DMP Commissioner said various organizations directly take to the streets with their demands thinking that their demands will be quickly realized by blocking roads.
“This makes the traffic system of the metropolis even more fragile. When a road is closed, the en-tire Dhaka comes to a standstill,” he said.
He requested the city dwellers to present their demands through the appropriate authorities and try to resolve them through consultations.
Describing the relationship between DMP and CRAB is very close, he expressed hope that CRAB will continue to support DMP in future as it has helped them in the past.
“Many times, my colleagues make mistakes while working. I seek your cooperation to correct the mistakes and provide the expected services to the city residents,” he said.
Wishing the elected members of CRAB in advance, the Commissioner said, the DMP is ready to provide any kind of cooperation to you.
Referring to the measures taken to prevent robbery, he said in addition to the police stations, he has also instructed the Detective Branch of police to work to prevent the crime.
“We are working to prevent robberies. As a result, we have been able to bring it under control to a great extent this week compared to last week,” he said.
DMP has been working to keep the city residents safe and provide the desired services.
“Everyone has to work together to keep the city residents well. For this, a police member has to perform his duties for 12 to 16 hours every day. We will provide the best service to the people of Dhaka by performing the duties entrusted to us,” he said.
Police officers of various ranks of DMP, CRAB President Kamruzzaman Khan, General Secretary Sirajul Islam, members of the executive Committee along with journalists from various print and electronic media were present at the function.