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Enforcement of consumers’ rights protection law stressed

Staff Reporter:

Enforcement of the Consumers Rights Protection Law has become an urgent need for ensuring safe food and protecting public health from various non-communicable diseases.

Many people are being attacked with various deadly diseases like cancer, liver cirrhosis, hepatitis and cardiac and kidney ailments through consumption of of adulterated foods. So, there is no way but to resist manufacturing, possessing and selling contaminated foods.

The observation came at a discussion titled “Consumer Rights Protection Law-2009” held at the conference hall of the Divisional Commissioner Office in Rajshahi city on Friday.

The day was observed here with the theme ‘Smart Bangladesh Gori, Voktar Sarthey Krittim Buddhimotta Bebohar Kori’.

The District Administration and the Department of National Consumers Rights Protection (DNCRP) jointly organised the seminar to mark the World Consumers Rights Protection Day-2024.

Commissioner of Rajshahi division Dr Dewan Muhammad Humayun Kabir addressed the discussion as chief guest, while Deputy Director, Local Government Division Parvez Raihan and Additional Commissioner Tarafder Akhter Jamil as special guests with Additional Deputy Commissioner Kolyan Chowdhury in the chair.

President of Rajshahi Chamber of Commerce and Industries Masudur Rahman and DNCRP Deputy Director Ibrahim Hossain also spoke.

The discussants viewed that the issue of the consumers’ rights is well accepted throughout the world and in the free market economy. So, awareness should be created among the businessmen and other concerns.

Integrated efforts of all the government and non-government organizations concerned can be the crucial means of protecting consumers rights.

In the present context, ensuring reasonable prices of essential commodities and their supply to the buyer, protecting the interest of the e-commerce customer has emerged as a challenge that needs to be faced collectively.

The consumer should have the right to know about the quality of the commodities that they want to buy and they should also be able to buy them at reasonable prices.

Earlier, they opened the day by releasing balloons, banners and festoons in the sky.

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