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Arafat emphasizes transparency in media

Staff Reporter:

State Minister for Information and Broadcasting Mohammad Ali Arafat yesterday laid emphasis on bringing more professionalism and transparency in the media, saying misuse of mass media is not ex-pected.
“Attention should be given immediately to the issues of ensuring professionalism and transparency in media. Misuse of mass media is not expected at all,” he said in a meeting with BFUJ-Bangladesh Federal Union of Journalists leaders at his ministry’s conference room at the Bangladesh Secretariat here.
The state minister sought cooperation from all stakeholders, including journalists and the owners of the media outlets, in this regard.
Led by BFUJ President Omar Faruque, former President Monjurul Ahsan Bulbul, Secretary General Dip Azad, Vice President Madhusudan Mondal, Joint Secretary General Sheikh Mamunur Rashid, Office Secretary Sebika Rani and Executive Member Nure Jannat Akter Sima, and Dhaka Union of Journalists (DUJ) President Sohel Haider Chowdhury and General Secretary Akhter Hossain were present at the meeting.
BFUJ leaders placed several demands, including announcement of incentive for journalists immediately, formation of 10th wage board, taking steps for realizing arrears of 9th wage board from media outlet owners, enactment of Mass Media Employees (Conditions of Services) Act, launching pension allowance for unemployed journalists above 60 years of age, formulation of the National Broadcasting Act, gov-ernment intervention in ensuring safety of journalists in media outlets, two-day weekly holiday, and al-lotting land for housing project.
They proposed setting up a hospital designated for the journalists and forming a media monitoring com-mittee involving senior journalists to tackle the disinformation.
Arafat noted the issues and said steps will be taken to ensure the rights of the journalists, considering the survival issues of the institutions, which will ensure a balance.

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