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New Bangladesh offering amazing investment opportunities: FM

Staff Reporter:

Germany’s Ambassador to Bangladesh Achim Tröster has lauded the spectacular socio-economic development of Bangladesh over the last decade.

He particularly underscored the projection of Bangladesh as of now instead of what it has historically been projected as.

During his meeting with Foreign Minister Hasan Mahmud at his office on Thursday, the ambassador informed that he has been actively connecting with the strong and vibrant modern socio-economic reality of Bangladesh and highly praised initiatives taken by the Bangladesh government in strongly projecting achievements of new Bangladesh in Germany.

The foreign minister thanked the ambassador and added that the new Bangladesh is already offering amazing investment opportunities, facilitated through Special Economic Zones and Hi-Tech and Software Technology Parks across the country.

The envoy congratulated Hasan on his appointment as the foreign minister and handed over a felicitation message from the German Federal Minister for Foreign Affairs Annalena Baerbock addressed to the foreign minister.

The German envoy also handed over the hard copy of the congratulatory message from the German Chancellor Olaf Scholz addressed to Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina.

The foreign minister termed the relations between the two nations as historic and

stated that today’s vibrant Bangladesh-Germany relations have its roots since Bangladesh’s War of Liberation in 1971.

He recalled the remarkable support rendered by Germany and its nationals in adopting numerous war babies as foster parents and lauded German medical support to several injured freedom fighters after the independence.

The German ambassador thanked the foreign minister for his recollection and reaffirmed the amity between the people of the two nations, officially since 1972.

The FM and the German ambassador expressed satisfaction over cooperation between the two countries in international fora, including in the UN.

The foreign minister and the German ambassador also shared their views on wars and conflicts in different parts of the world, including in Ukraine, Gaza and the Red Sea and their resultant negative impacts on the economies of the two countries.

Many of these workers suffer physical and mental hardships including prison terms and fines after being cheated by human traffickers and illegal intermediaries.

In addition, complaints regarding excessive immigration costs are often received at the Bangladesh High Commission. As Bangladesh’s only state-owned recruiting agency, Boessel sends Bangladeshi workers to various countries around the world ensuring safe and ethical migration at controlled costs.

It is hoped that the deployment of workers in Brunei A Boesel’s affiliation will open the door to safe migration opportunities for Bangladeshis.

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