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Woman, son found dead in Pabna

Staff Reporter:

The bodies of a woman and her eight-year-old son were found in a house at Dighulia village in Chatmohar upazila of Pabna on Friday morning, said police.

The deceased were Lavoni Khatun, 35, and her son Riad Hossain, residents of the village under Fouiljana union.

Locals said Lavoni, wife of Malaysia expatriate Abdur Rashid, used to live with her son and mother-in-law in the house. On Thursday night, Lavoni and her son slept in a room while her mother-in-law was in a separate room.

Md Nannu, member of Fouiljana union parishad, said the construction work of a building owned by Malaysia expatriate Rashid has been going on in the house.

“The mother and her son might have been murdered by miscreants who stormed into the house to steal money or commit robbery,” the member surmised, adding that the mother-in-law first spotted the bodies in the morning and started screaming.

Lavoni’s body was found lying in the kitchen while Riad’s body was hanging from a tree by the kitchen, he said.

Union Parishad Chairman Hafizur Rahman said the victims had no rivalry with anyone in the area.

Chatmohar police station Officer-in-Charge (OC) Selim Reza said they sent the bodies to the Pabna General Hospital morgue for autopsy.

The reason behind the deaths will be known through investigation, he added.

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