Staff Reporter:
Awami League and its associate bodies yesterday brought out protest processions and rallies in city`s different areas against BNP-Jamaat’s fourth phase 48-hour blockade across the country.
Dhaka city south unit of AL, Awami Jubo League, Awami Swechchhasebak League, Krishak League, Dhaka city south Sramik League and AL’s other associate bodies were on alert and brought out protest processions and rallies in front of AL central office at Bangabandhu Avenue. The protest processions paraded different streets in the city.
At that time, the leaders strongly protested and condemned policeman killing and attack on Rajarbagh Police Line Hospital and residence of chief justice centering BNP`s grand rally on October 28 in the city.
Besides, Dhaka city south unit of AL arranged a cultural program in front of AL central office at Banga-bandhu Avenue.
AL Advisory council member Habibur Rahman Siraj, Joint general secretary and Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud, Dhaka city south AL president Abu Ahmed Mannafi and its general secretary Humayun Kabir, Dhaka city AL former general secretary Shah-e-Alam Murad, Dhaka city south AL vice president Hidayatu Islam Shapon, Joint general secretarys Mohiuddin Ahmed Mohi and Morshed Kamal, organizing secretary Golam Sarwar Kabir, Swechchhasebak League president Gazi Mesbahul Hossain Sachu and its general secretary Afzalur Rahman Babu, among others, were present at the Bangabandhu Avenue.
Dhaka city north unit of AL leaders and activists, led by its president Sheikh Bazlur Rahman and its gen-eral secretary S.M. Mannan Kochi, brought out a protest procession and rally in the city north areas.
Central 14-party led by ruling Awami League will hold a peace rally against BNP-Jamaat’s blockade in city`s Kamrangirchar.
Mohakhali Bus Terminal Owners Association brought out a protest procession in city`s Mohakhali area.
The protest processions and rallies were also brought out in the city’s different areas, including Hazari-bugh, Lalbagh, Azimpur, Gabtoli, Shahbagh, Mirpur, Darussalam and Mohammadpur, Demra, Jatrabari, Kadamtali, Farmgate, Mirpur, Shanir Akhra, Dayaganj and Gandaria area.