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BNP men hurl petrol bombs at Maitree Express in Ishwardi

A Correspondent:

Ishwardi, Pabna: The BNP picketers hurled petrol bombs and stones at the moving Maitree Express train, traveling between India and Bangladesh on Kolkata-Dhaka route, near Ishwardi Loco Shed rail station area yesterday.
Pakshi Divisional Railway Engineer Birbal Mondal said that a group of 15/16 youth threw cocktails, stones and bricks on the Maitree Express train in front of the Loco Shed at coach 7219 of the train while crossing the Loco Shed near Ishwardi Junction station at around 11:55 am. As a result, glasses of the windows were broken.
Shariful Islam, Gateman of Ishwardi Loco Shed Rail Gate, confirmed the matter.
Pabna Deputy Commissioner (DC) Md Asaduzzaman, Superintendent of Police (SP) Akbar Ali Munshi, Ishwardi Upazila Nirbahi Officer (UNO) Subir Kumar Dash, Ishwardi Additional Superintendent of Police Biplab Kumar Gauswami, Assistant Commissioner TM Rahsin Kabir, OC Arvind Sarkar, Upazila Awami League General Secretary Alhaj Abul Kalam Azad Mintu and members of BG B personnel vis-ited the spot.

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