Staff Reporter:
In the wake of the recent civil war in Sudan, the Government of Bangladesh has made arrangements for the safe return of more than 700 expatriate Bangladeshis from Sudan.
Expatriates’ Welfare and Overseas Employment Minister Imran Ahmed chaired a meeting at the minis-try’s meeting room on Sunday to discuss the socio-economic rehabilitation of the Bangladeshi returnee workers, according to a press release on Monday.
Senior Secretary of the Ministry Dr Ahmed Munirus Salehin was present on the occasion. The following decisions was taken at the meeting:
(a) The workers who are interested in doing business in the country will be given an investment loan of Tk3 lakh without collateral, Tk5 lakh in co-collateral and up to Tk 50 lakh with collateral, subject to the provisions of Bangladesh Bank.
(b) Workers returning to Sudan or who wish to go abroad again will be given assistance in going to the country of their choice on priority basis, subject to the necessary qualifications. In particular, govern-ment recruiting agency Bangladesh Overseas Employment and Services Limited. (BOESL) sends work-ers to Jordan, South Korea and other countries where they will be taken on priority basis.
c) Interested workers will be provided free skill development or entrepreneurship training and counsel-ling.
The minister said a database will be prepared within 15 working days by contacting the departing work-ers to effectively implement the initiatives taken for rehabilitation.
In this regard, the officials in charge of wage earners welfare board or concerned district employment and manpower office (DEMO) will contact the departing employees.
The minister also urged all those who have left Sudan to cooperate by providing necessary information in this regard.
DEMO’s address plus more information can be found on