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Writ filed seeking probe into graft allegation against BFF officials

Staff Reporter:

A writ petition was filed with the High Court on Sunday seeking its directives to investigate the graft allegations against the officials of Bangladesh Football Federation (BFF) including its president Kazi Mohammad Salahuddin.
Supreme Court lawyer Barrister Syed Sayedul Haque Suman filed the writ petition with the High Court bench concerned seeking probe into corruption, money embezzlement and money laundering allegations against them.
The other officials include senior vice president Abdus Salam Murshedy, and former general secretary Abu Naim Sohag.
Bangladesh Bank Governor, secretary to the Ministry of Youth and Sports, the Anti-Corruption Com-mission Chairman, Chief of Bangladesh Financial Intelligence Unit (BFIU), Chairman of National Rev-enue Board, BFF President, its senior vice-president and former general secretary were made respond-ents in the writ petition.
The bench of Justice Md Nazrul Islam Talukder and Justice Khizir Hayat will hear the writ petition, said Barrister Syed Sayedul.
Earlier, on May 3, Barrister Syed Sayedul Haque Suman sent a letter to the ACC chairman seeking in-vestigation into the graft allegations against BFF officials. As no response came, he filed the writ peti-tion.
He said due to the corruption of the BFF officials including its president Salahuddin, senior vice presi-dent Abdus Salam Murshedy, and former general secretary Abu Naim Sohag Bangladesh football did not see any development.
“To save football, they should be brought to book. That’s why I have filed the writ petition,” said Bar-rister Sayedul.

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