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Closing of BUP International Model UN Conf held

Staff Reporter:

The closing ceremony of the three-day conference of the ‘BUP International Model United Nations Con-ference-2023’ ended at Bijoy Auditorium of BUP on Saturday.
The conference was organized by the Department of International Relations under the Faculty of Securi-ty and Strategic Studies (FSSS) of BUP and conducted by the BUP Global Affairs Council. The confer-ence aimed to create a pool of global citizens who can tackle the world’s problems with confidence, em-pathy, and diplomacy, says a press release on Sunday.
Vice-Chancellor Major General Md Mahbub-ul Alam, ndc, afwc, psc, MPhil, PhD was the chief guest of the conference who distributed prizes among the awardees in the closing ceremony.
The conference started on 11 May with the theme “Encouraging Safe and Ethical Technological Usages Through Global Cooperation to Reduce Violence, Civil, and Geopolitical Conflicts”.
Total 274 delegates from 37 national and international universities participated in the conference. Nine committees of the conference discussed different contemporary issues and their relevant solutions.
Among others, BUP high officials, faculty members, students, invited guests and journalists were also present in the conference.

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