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Hasan urges expats to aware against anti-state propaganda

Staff Reporter:

Information and Broadcasting Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud, now touring Stockholm, Sweden, on Satur-day said some people are indulging in anti-state propaganda in exchange for money by misusing the fa-cilities of living in Europe. “The patriotic Bangladeshis living in Europe should unite and resist these nefarious conspiracies,” he declared.
The minister said this while exchanging views with leaders of local Awami League and allied organiza-tions when they came to receive him at the Stockholm airport in Sweden on Saturday. Bangladesh Am-bassador to Sweden Mehedi Hasan was present at the time, said a press release.
Hasan went to Sweden to attend the EU Indo-Pacific Ministerial Forum.
Appreciating the role of the European Union Awami League in 2007-2008, he said, “The leaders of the European Union Awami League have stood by our beloved leader Bangabandhu’s daughter Sheikh Hasina in all fields in times of need. They are also contributing to the economic progress of the country by sending foreign currency earned by them.”
Sweden Awami League President Jahangir Kabir, General Secretary Dr Farhad Ali Khan, Vice President Sirajul Haque Khan Rana, were present at the time, among others.

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