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US Embassy invites applications for fellowship

Staff Reporter:

The US Embassy has announced the annual call for applications for the Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship program for the 2024-2025 academic year. 
This unique, one-year program is open to Bangladeshi professionals (application deadline: July 1, 2023) currently working in the public and private sectors, including local and international non-governmental organizations, the Embassy said on Monday.   
The Hubert H. Humphrey Fellowship Program is one of the U.S. government’s prestigious Fulbright programs that brings accomplished mid-career professionals to the United States for a year of non-degree, graduate-level study, leadership development, and substantive professional collaboration with U.S. counterparts. 
By providing future leaders and policy makers with exposure to U.S. society, culture, and professional fields, the program seeks to develop lasting, productive ties between program participants and their Americans counterparts.   
Fellowships are offered in the areas such as Human and Institutional Capacity, Rights and Freedoms, Sustainable Lands, and Thriving Communities, including Public Health, Education Management, Com-munication and Journalism, Law and Human Rights, Natural Resources, Environment Policy, and Cli-mate Change. 

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