Staff Reporter:
Law Adviser Dr Asif Nazrul yesterday said the trial proceedings over the ‘July genocide’ will com-plete in the trial court before the next national election since the government is committed to en-suring justice in the brutal killings of student-people.
“Though this is a matter of the court, we hope and believe that at the speed we are moving for-ward, Insha Allah, we will be able to complete at least the trial proceedings in the trial court before the next polls,” he told a press briefing at the Foreign Service Academy here.
Replying to a question over the killings during July-August uprising, Dr Asif Nazrul said the trial proceedings are going smoothly as there is no negligence from any part here.
“Our pledge and commitment to you that our government will definitely try the brutal and inhu-mane genocide that took place in Bangladesh,” he said.
The law adviser said the government is mainly giving importance to the International Crime Tri-bunal (ICT) as it has a larger involvement with the trials.
Noting that the investigation works in the killing cases continue fast, he said it is expected that the hearings of the cases will start in March.
Environment, Forest and Climate Change Adviser Syeda Rizwana Hasan, Local Government Ad-viser Asif Mahmud Shojib Bhuyain and Chief Adviser’s Press Secretary Shafiqul Alam also spoke.