Staff Reporter:
A writ petition was filed with the High Court seeking a ban on fireworks on the rooftops and re-leasing lanterns in the sky during the 31st night.
Ashrafuzzaman, a lawyer of the Bangladesh Supreme Court, yesterday filed the writ with the rele-vant section of the High Court. The petitioner made the Home Secretary, Inspector General of Po-lice (IGP), and Commissioner of the Dhaka Metropolitan Police (DMP) respondents.
Advocate Ashrafuzzaman, in his writ, sought to impose a ban on playing loudspeakers, exploding fireworks on the rooftops, and releasing lanterns from 11 pm to 1 am on December 31. He also demanded a ban on gathering at any open space and park from 10 pm on that night apart from buying and selling of firecrackers.
The petitioner also prayed for conducting operations against such activities through mobile courts.