Staff Reporter:
United Nations (UN) Secretary General António Guterres has welcomed efforts to restore calm and or-ganize parliamentary elections in Bangladesh, with the support of the interim government.
“The Secretary General welcomes efforts to restore calm and organize parliamentary elections in Bang-ladesh, with the support of the interim government,” according to a statement issued by Deputy Spokes-person for the Secretary General Farhan Haq on Monday
António Guterres also urged the interim government in the coming weeks to continue to make every effort to be inclusive, including by taking into account the voices of women, youth, and people across the country, as well as that of minority, as the country moves towards parliamentary elections.
The Secretary General stood in full solidarity with the people of Bangladesh and called for the full re-spect of their human rights, said the statement received in Dhaka yesterday.
Guterres continued to underscore the need for a full, independent, impartial, and transparent investiga-tion into all acts of violence.