Staff Reporter:
Dhaka yesterday expressed extreme disappointment over the US State Department’s unsubstantiated claim of deaths of at least two persons from the ongoing student protests in Bangladesh.
“Use of unverified information to make such baseless claims can fuel violence and undermine Bangla-desh government’s efforts to maintain a peaceful environment to allow non-violent protests or move-ment,” Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Seheli Sabrin told the media yesterday.
She said the Foreign Ministry is “extremely disappointed” by the response of Mathew Miller, Spokesper-son of the US State Department, to a question during a regular press briefing on July 15, 2024 (Wash-ington time), where he made such unsubstantiated claims.
The spokesperson said freedom of expression and peaceful assembly are cornerstones of democracy, and the government remains steadfast to uphold those rights of the citizens while also safeguarding public property and order.
She said violence does not have any place in democracy and politics.
“We have recently witnessed with horror an attempt on the life of former US President Donald Trump during a peaceful rally in Pennsylvania, USA,” Sabrin said.