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Foreign cigarettes imported under false declaration seized at Ctg Port

Staff Reporter:

Chattogram Customs seized a container of foreign cigarettes imported under false declarations at Chattogram port on Thursday.

The cigarettes were imported by a Dhaka-based company Hamko Corporation, under the guise of water filters, according to customs officials.

A.K.M. Khairul Bashar, deputy commissioner (DC) of the Customs House, said acting on a tipped-off, a 20-foot container that arrived at Chattogram port at 1:30 pm on Wednesday was detained.

Later, the Audit, Investigation and Research (AIR) branch of the Customs House found 2,500 cartons of Monde cigarettes after a physical test of the container around 12:00 am on Thursday midnight, he said.

The importer Hamko Corporation opened an LC from The City Bank Limited and imported the goods from Asian Global Company Limited in Bangkok to Chattogram port. The container was transported on a vessel named ‘KOTA ANGGUN’, he said.

Bashar informed that after completing the process, they will determine the amount of revenue that was attempted to be evaded. The illegal import of these cigarettes was an attempt to disrupt local production of foreign cigarettes. Therefore, legal action will be taken against those involved.

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