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NBR first secretary’s properties set to be seized

Staff Reporter:

A Dhaka court on Thursday ordered the seizure of all movable and immovable assets of NBR First Secretary Quazi Abu Mahmud Faisal, following a plea by the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC).

The order for seizure applies to a residential flat in the capital, two plots each with a 10-katha area as well as savings certificates worth Tk2.55 crore.

Judge Mohammed Ash-Shams Joglul Hossain of the Metropolitan Senior Special Judge’s Court issued the order.

In its written application to the court, ACC claimed that Quazi Abu Mahmud used his influence as a high-ranking government official to extort money from people and engage in other acts of corruption.

He also opened over 700 bank accounts in his name and the name of his relatives to conceal the source of his illegal earnings, the application read.

The ACC investigation is ongoing against the NBR first secretary and more potentially illegal properties could be unearthed during the process.

Quazi Abu Mahmud Faisal is the latest accused amid an ongoing crackdown on present and former top government officials, including former IGP Benazir Ahmed and another senior NBR official Matiur Rahman.

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