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Heavy rain brings relief, chaos in city

Staff Reporter:

A two-hour heavy downpour yesterday morning provided much-needed relief from the oppressive heat wave, but also caused significant disruption of commuters in the city.
The heavy downpour, which began around 9:30 am and continued until 11:30 am, led to flooding in several areas including Malibagh, Moghbazar, Shantinagar, Farmgate, Badda, Mirpur, and Khilkhet. Office-goers and residents found themselves wading through ankle-deep water to reach their destina-tions.
Despite the initial relief from the heat, the heavy rainfall brought about immense suffering for those try-ing to navigate the submerged streets. Many people were seen struggling through the waterlogged roads, highlighting the city’s drainage issues.
The sky had been overcast since the early morning, and the rain, accompanied by thunderstorms, helped to alleviate the stifling heat that had gripped the city for the past few days.

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