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MP Anar murder
2 suspects held from Khagrachhari

Staff Reporter:

Detectives arrested two suspects from Khagrachhari district on Wednesday in connection with the mur-der of Jhenaidah-4 MP Anwarul Azim Anar in Kolkata, India.
Based on secret information, a DB team led by Additional Commissioner (DB) of the DMP Haruhur Rashid conducted drives in Khagrachhari’s hilly area on Wednesday and arrested Mostafiz and Faisal Gazi.
Soon after the arrest, they were brought to Dhaka by helicopter in the afternoon.
Talking to media, DB chief Harunur Rashid said the two arrested suspects had been staying in a Kali temple in the hilly area of Khagrachhari for 23 days and used to identify themselves as Hindus, he said.
He assumed Hindu names to get shelter in the temple. They told locals that they like to stay with Kali Mata and they won’t leave the temple and go anywhere, he added.
Earlier on Wednesday, DB Police conducted operations by a helicopter in different hills of Kha-grachhari and Chattragram districts as they had secret information that Faisal and Mostafiz were staying in the hills of Khagrachhari and Chittagong areas.
Sources involved in the investigation process said that Mustafizur and Faisalwent to Kolkata on May 2 before the Anar, MP, was killed.
They returned home on May 19. Detectives were desperately looking for the two fugitive suspects.
Their house is in Phultala, Khulna. The house of Shimul Bhuiyan, identified as the mastermind of the murder, is also in the same area.

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