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6 get death penalty, 10 life term for murder in Cumilla

A Correspondent:

Cumilla: A Cumilla court yesterday sentenced six individuals to death and ten others to life imprison-ment for the 2011 murder of social worker Nurul Haque. The verdict was delivered by Judge Jahangir Hossain of the Cumilla Additional District and Sessions Judge Court-4.
The six individuals sentenced to death are Md Masum (35), Md Quaiyum (28), Tajul Islam (32), Md Mustafa (24), Md Quaiyum (25), and Md Tabdul Hossain (40).
Those sentenced to life imprisonment are Md Nanu Mia (40), Matin Mia (40), Saidul Islam (24), Babul Mia (25), Shafiqul Islam (35), Md Shafiqul Islam (28), Moslem Mia (45), Helal Mia (25), Billal Hoss-ain (30), and Abdul Awal (30).
Each convict was also fined Tk 50,000. Seven of the convicts were tried in absentia.
According to the prosecution, the conflict originated from a land dispute between Farid Mia of Brah-manpara upazila and Md Masum. In 2011, village arbitration led by Nurul Haque was held to resolve the issue. During the arbitration, Nurul Haque instructed Masum to vacate the land occupied by him, which led to a violent response. On February 16, 2011, Masum and the other convicts attacked Nurul Haque, stabbing him to death on the spot.
A case was subsequently filed, and police submitted charges against 20 individuals. After reviewing the records and testimonies, the court acquitted two individuals due to insufficient evidence. Additionally, two of the accused, Phul Mia and Selim, died during the trial proceedings.

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