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BNP announces 3-day program

Staff Reporter:

BNP on Wednesday announced a three-day countrywide program demanding the unconditional release of its Chairperson Khaleda Zia, who is currently undergoing treatment at Evercare Hospital in the capi-tal.
Party Secretary General Mirza Fakhrul Islam Alamgir announced the fresh action program at a press briefing at BNP’s Nayapaltan central office after a joint meeting of the party and its associate bodies.
As part of the programs, he said the party will hold a rally in front of its Nayapaltan central office at 3pm on June 29 (Saturday).
Besides, the BNP leader said their party will hold rallies in all metropolitan cities on July 1 and in all district headquarters on July 3.
“We must intensify further the movement for Begum Khaleda Zia’s unconditional release. We want to take this movement to a final stage,” he said.
Khaleda Zia was rushed to Evercare Hospital in an ambulance at around 3:30 am on June 22 after sud-denly falling ill at her Gulshan residence.
A team of specialist doctors, led by Prof Shahabuddin Talukder, successfully implanted a pacemaker in her chest the following day. She is now receiving treatment in a cabin with CCU facilities at the hospi-tal.
On June 11, 2022, Khaleda Zia was diagnosed with three blockages in her heart, one of which was 95% blocked and was treated with stent placement at that time.

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