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Benazir, his family skip ACC quizzing again

Staff Reporter:

Former Inspector General of Police (IGP) Benazir Ahmed and his wife and two daughters did not appear before the Anti-Corruption Commission (ACC) as they were scheduled to face interrogation yesterday over the graft allegations.
Talking to reporters at the ACC headquarters here yesterday, ACC Secretary Khorsheda Yasmin said former IGP Benazir Ahmed, his wife and two daughters were scheduled to be interrogated at the ACC headquarters on June 24 (yesterday) but they did not appear before the commission.
“Also, they did not send any application to the ACC seeking time extension for their questioning but they submitted a written statement with the application of Benazir Ahmed on Thursday last where their stance was explained,” she said.
The ACC secretary said an ACC team is taking necessary actions to this end in line with the Anti-Corruption Commission Act 2004 and the Anti-Corruption Commission Rules 2007.
“We (the Commission) hope that the ACC team will be able to submit its probe report within the stipu-lated timeframe,” she added.
On May 28, 2024, the national anti-graft watchdog summoned Benazir Ahmed, his wife and daughters to face interrogation over graft allegations.
Benazir Ahmed was asked to appear before the ACC headquarters on June 6, while his wife and daugh-ters on June 9 to face questioning. But, they sent a letter to the ACC seeking more time to face question-ing.
Later, on June 9, the ACC issued a fresh notice asking them to appear before the Commission on June 24.
On May 23, a Dhaka court ordered the authorities concerned to confiscate properties under 83 deeds of 114 acres of land, and freeze 33 bank accounts under the name of Benazir and his family members.
Three days later, the same court asked the authorities concerned to confiscate assets under 119 more deeds of Benazir and his family members in connection with alleged graft.

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