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Law doesn’t allow sending Khaleda Zia abroad: Anisul

Staff Reporter:

Law, Justice and Parliamentary Affairs Minister Anisul Huq yesterday said the law, under which BNP Chairperson Begum Khaleda Zia has been released after suspending her jail term, does not permit send-ing her abroad for treatment.
“As far as I know, process is going on to place a pacemaker on her (Khaleda Zia) heart, but I don’t know anything about her kidney. I have not received any new words from them (BNP or Khaleda’s family) for allowing her to go abroad, so I would not give any statement in this regard,” he said.
The minister said these while talking to newsmen after addressing as the chief guest at the inaugural cer-emony of the 152nd Refresher Course for the Senior Assistant Judges or equivalent judicial officers at Judicial Administration Training Institute (JATI).
Presided over by JATI Director General Justice Hasan Foez Siddique, the ceremony was also addressed by Law and Justice Division Secretary Md Golam Sarwar, among others.
The law minister further said as Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina was considering the (Khaleda Zia’s treat-ment) matter from humanitarian ground, the BNP chief’s sentence was suspended and she was released from jail on March 25, 2020, and she is being able to receive treatment at hospital of her choice till yes-terday.
Anisul Huq meanwhile bins the need of formulating any new law for government officials to submit their wealth statement, saying they generally file such statement on regular interval.

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