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AL’s 75th founding anniversary today

Staff Reporter:

The 75th founding anniversary of country’s oldest political party Awami League (AL), which led coun-try’s independence through the 1971 Great Liberation War, will be celebrated across the country today.
The party was established on June 23, 1949 as Awami Muslim League at Rose Garden in the capital’s old part. But, later it appeared as Bangladesh Awami League (AL) to have a secular look.
The Awami League is one of the oldest, non-communal, largest and leading political parties in the coun-try. And the work of building a non-communal Bangladesh was first initiated by Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman.
At the time of its establishment, Sheikh Mujibur Rahman was in jail and he was made joint general sec-retary of the party then.
The AL has taken elaborate programs, marking its founding anniversary.
Earlier, the party’s General Secretary Obaidul Quader announced a three-day program to celebrate the 75th founding anniversary.
All registered parties will be invited in the founding anniversary program.
Prime Minister and party President Sheikh Hasina will inaugurate the platinum anniversary program in front of Bangabandhu Bhaban today.
On the same day, a discussion meeting will be held at Suhrawardy Udyan at 3 pm followed by a cultural event.
Besides, a cultural program will be held at Rabindra Sarobar and boat race and cycle rally will be ar-ranged at Hatirjheel in the capital.
The founding anniversary of the country’s oldest political party will be celebrated at each union and ward as well.

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