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4 to die for murder in Jamalpur

A Correspondent:

Jamalpur: A Jamalpur court on Sunday convicted four people and sentenced them to death for killing a driver of a battery-run three-wheeler after stealing it in 2016.
The condemned convicts are—Monir Hossain, son of Joynal Abedin, Rubel Mia, son of Amzad Hossain and Jakir Hossain, son of Abdul Latif and Sohagh, son of Abdul Mannan of Sarishabari upazila of the district.
Of them, Jakir and Shohag tried in absentia. The court also fined them Tk 50,000.
According to the prosecution, the convicts stole the auto-rickshaw of one Laiju Mia after strangling him to death at Mulbari in the upazila on September 30, 2016.
Amzad Hossain, father of Laiju filed a case with Sarishabari Police Station.
Later, police arrested Rubel Mia and Monir Hossain who gave confessional statements under section 164.
During the confessional statements, police came to know the names of other convicts-Jakir and Shohag.
Police also submitted chargesheet against four people.
After examining records and witnesses, Judge of the Jamalpur Additional District and Session Judge Court-2, Anwar Sadat handed down the punishment.

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