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River police vows to ensure safety on waterways during Eid

Staff Reporter:

The river police, a specialised unit of Bangladesh Police, has taken special security measures to ensure the safety of passengers and goods on the waterways for the upcoming Eid-ul-Azha, a press release said.

The specialised unit of the police vowed to conduct special surveillance on the movement of vessels to ensure safety on the waterways as many people will travel to places of interest in the country to celebrate Eid. River police will perform duty at all naval points and terminals.

A discussion meeting on law and order and River traffic management on the occasion of Eid-ul-Azha was held Thursday at its headquarters in the capital with Additional IG Mohammad Abdul Alim Mahmud in the chair.

In his speech, AIG Mohammad Abdul Alim Mahmud said that members of the River police will be vigilant to ensure that no vessel operates at high speed with more passengers and goods than allowed.

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