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Water levels in 72 rivers rise, 36 fall

Staff Reporter:

Water levels at 72 river points monitored by Flood Forecasting and Warning Centre (FFWC) have marked rise while at 36 points recorded fall.
Among the 110 monitored river stations, eight have been registered steady and water level at two river stations is flowing above the danger level, a bulletin issued by the FFWC said here yesterday.
The Surma is flowing above 56 cm at Kanaighat station while the Kushiyara is flowing above at 21cm at Amalshid station.
The Brahmaputra-Jamuna and the Ganges-Padma rivers are in rising trend, which may continue in next 48 hours, the FFWC bulletin said adding water level of Surma River is in falling trend and for the other major rivers in North-eastern region of the country it is in steady state.
According to information from meteorological organizations, medium rainfall is expected over the Northern, North-eastern and adjoining upstream parts of the country in next 48 hours, it added. The wa-ter level of the main rivers in North-eastern region of the country may decrease slowly in this period.
Flood situation in the low-lying areas of Sylhet district may improve at a slow rate in the next 24 to 48 hours, the FFWC forecasted.
In next 24 to 72 hours, the flood situation in the low-lying areas of Sylhet district of the North-eastern part of the country may improve slowly.
Significant rainfall was recorded at some stations in different districts of Bangladesh during the last 24 hours ending at 9 am yesterday.
A total of 206 mm rainfalls were recorded at Kamalganj (Moulvibazar), 110mm at Sylhet, 84mm at Za-kiganj (Sylhet), 67mm at Moheshkhola (Sunamganj), 51mm at Sunamganj, 138mm at Sreemongal, 85mm at Sherpur-Sylhet, 82mm at Manu Rly Bridge (Moulivibazar) and 46mm at Lorergarh (Sunam-ganj”.
During the past 24 hours, significant rainfalls (mm) were recorded at some states of India – West Bengal and Tripura, the bulletin added.

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