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HC for reinstating 30% FF quota in govt services

Staff Reporter:

The High Court (HC) yesterday declared illegal a government circular issued in 2018 that abolished the 30 percent quota system in recruiting first class and second class officers in government services.
A High Court division bench of Justice KM Kamrul Kader and Justice Khizir Hayat passed the order, paving the way for reinstating 30 percent freedom fighter quota in government service.
The court came up with the judgment, declaring absolute a rule issued earlier, deputy attorney general Sheikh Mohammad Saifuzzaman Zaman said.
The government, through that circular, said direct recruitment in all government jobs in 9th grade (old first class) and from 10th to 13th grade (old second class) will be completely based on merit, abolishing existing quota system.
Seven people, including Muktijoddhar Sontan o Projonmo central command council president Ohidul Islam Tushar, filed the writ with the High Court, challenging the legality of the circular.
The High Court after holding hearing on matter, issued the rule asking the authorities concerned to reply as to why the circular shall not be declared illegal.

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