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FM congratulates BJP-led NDA for victory in polls

Staff Reporter:

Foreign Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud yesterday congratulated the winning NDA led by Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and the people of India for exercising their democratic rights in the just-held Lok Sabha election in India.
He also congratulated the Congress-led alliance (Indian National Developmental Inclusive Alliance) IN-DIA for their election.
“We congratulate NDA (National Democratic Alliance), INDIA and the people of India for continuing the democratic trend,” he told reporters at the foreign ministry while responding to a question.
The foreign minister termed the Indian polls as an inspiration and example of democracy.
Replying to a question he said Indian people elected their representatives and this is their choice.
“The same NDA alliance will be in power. Our deep friendly ties will continue. Secondly, our relation-ship with India and Indian people which is built on the great 1971 Liberation War is incomparable,” he said.
In reply to another quarry whether any change in Indian foreign policy would affect Bangladesh as the new government will take charge in New Delhi, Hasan said, “It is India’s internal matter.”
He said opposition parties in India play a responsible role which is not seen in Bangladesh.
In reply to a question on whether Trinamool Congress (TMC)’s good result would affect the pending Teesta water sharing issue, the minister said the elections was held for the Lok Sabha (general elec-tions) and Bangladesh always deals with the central government of India not any state government.
The Bangladesh government is always discussing with India for receiving a fair share of water of com-mon rivers as well as a joint river commission is also working in this regard, he said.
He said issues between Bangladesh and India will be discussed in the upcoming visit of the Prime Minis-ter Sheikh Hasina.
Hasan said, “We have an excellent relationship with India based on the spirit of the great 1971 Libera-tion War and bonded through shared sacrifice and blood. This special relationship cannot be compared to anyone else.”
During the briefing, Foreign Secretary Masud Bin Momen was also present, among others.

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