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Discharge duties as per law: Saber

Staff Reporter:

Environment, Forest and Climate Change Minister Saber Hossain Chowdhury yesterday instructed the officials concerned to discharge their duties as per the law.
“To keep the country’s environment livable, it is necessary to work, according to the rules, in official jobs, including recovery of encroached forest land. Nothing should be done to satisfy ministers, lawmak-ers or influential persons. Work for the welfare of the country’s people,” he said.
The environment minister made the remarks while addressing as the chair the inaugural function of the World Environment Day, the Environment Fair and National Tree Planting Campaign and Tree Fair 2024 at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre here.
Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina inaugurated the Environment and Tree Fair and the National Tree Planta-tion Campaign as the chief guest.
Saber Hossain said after the independence of the country, Father of the Nation Bangabandhu Sheikh Mu-jibur Rahman proclaimed the Water Pollution Control Ordinance, 1973 and started environmental con-servation activities in the country.
In continuation of this, he said, in 1989 the Directorate of Environmental Pollution Control was named as the Department of Environment (DoE) and the Environment and Forest Ministry was created.
The minister said the Awami League was the first party to create a secretariat post on population and environment in its 15th conference held in 1992.
Chairman of the Standing Committee on the Ministry of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Dipankar Talukder, Environment, Forest and Climate Change Secretary Dr Farhina Ahmed, DoE Direc-tor General Dr Abdul Hamid and Chief Conservator of Forests Md Amir Hosain Chowdhury were pre-sent.
The environment fair is being held at Sher-e-Bangla Nagar from June 5 to 11, while the National Tree Plantation Campaign and Tree Fair 2024 from June 5 to July 13. The fairs will remain open for all from 9 am to 8 pm every day.
Minister Saber Hossain called upon the people from all walks of life to visit the environment fair and tree fair.

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