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HSC exams in Sylhet’s flood-hit areas to be held later

A Correspondent:

Sylhet: The HSC and its equivalent exams will be held later in Sylhet if the region sees severe flood, Education Minister Mohibul Hassan Chowdhury Nowfel said yesterday.
He said this at a press briefing after a meeting of the National Monitoring and Law and Order Commit-tee formed to hold the upcoming HSC and equivalent examinations in a fair manner.
Replying to a question over the public exam, “We have already been informed about the weather fore-cast during the HSC examination, the water level of various rivers there is in rising trend. We have al-ready completed preparations keeping in mind the movement of students.”
He said the areas where flooding is likely to spread the exams won’t be taken there initially. “We have proper preparation to take those tests later.”
“The convenience of the examinees is the most important to us. We do not want the examinees to suffer and their desired results be affected in any way,” he said.
This year, the HSC and its equivalent exams are scheduled to begin on June 30.
A total of 14,50,790 students from nine General Education Boards, Madrasha Board and Technical Board will sit for the exams from 9,463 educational institutions at 2,275 centers.

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