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JS goes into budget session today

Staff Reporter:

The third session of the 12th Parliament (Jatiya Sangsad (JS) begins today. It will be the first budget session of the present stint of the Awami League government came to power through the general election on January 7 this year.
The session will start at 5pm at Sangsad Bhaban of Sher-e-Bangla Nagar in the city.
Earlier on May 20, President Mohammed Shahabuddin convened the session exercising the power be-stowed upon him as per the Article 72 (1) of the Constitution.
Finance Minister Abul Hassan Mahmood Ali is expected to place the national budget for fiscal year 2024-25 (FY25) in the JS today afternoon.
This will be the first budget of the present Awami League government which came to the power for the fourth consecutive term through January 7, 2024 national election.
The size of the proposed budget is expected to be around Taka 8 lakh crore, said a finance ministry offi-cial, adding that controlling the rising inflation is likely to get the top priority in the budget.
The budget for FY25 will be the country’s 53rd budget and the 25th of the Awami League government in its six tenures after independence.
Tajuddin Ahmed presented the country’s first budget in 1971 as finance minister of the post-independence govermment headed by Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman. The size of the country’s first budget was Taka 7.86 billion and ADP size was Taka 5.01 billion.

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