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No more Rohingya to be allowed in Bangladesh

Staff Reporter:

Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan on Friday said no more Rohingya or Myanmar nationals will be allowed to enter Bangladesh.

He said this to journalists while visiting Ukhia Rohingya Camp in Cox’s Bazar in the morning.

Asaduzzaman said weapons are being used in Rohingya camps while Rohingyas are divided into different groups and sub-groups.

Border Guard Bangladesh (BGB), Armed Police Battalion (APBn) and Army are working to control the Rohingyas, he added.

The home minister said some evidence of concern over forcibly displaced Myanmar nationals, the Rohingyas, are being seen.

“From the beginning, we are saying that if the Rohingyas cannot be sent back within the quickest time, there will be unrest here. A hub of international criminals can be created here. Now we are witnessing some evidence of that concern,” he added.

The presence of some people who are fighting inside Myanmar has been noticed here, he mentioned.

Asaduzzaman said the biggest matter of concern is – Bangladesh doesn’t produce any drugs but drugs are coming from Myanmar as some people of the camp are involved with drug peddling.

“We are trying to identify them to bring them to justice,” he said.

Inspector General of Police (IGP) Chowdhury Abdullah Al-Mamun, Refugee Relief and Repatriation Commissioner Mohammed Mizanur Rahman, APBn chief Selim Mohammad Jahangir, Additional Inspector General Anwar Hossain and Chattogram Range DIG Noor-E-Alam Mina were present on the occasion.

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