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Bangladesh seeks OIC’s continuous support in Rohingya repatriation

Staff Reporter:

Foreign Minister Dr Hasan Mahmud has sought continuous support from the member states of Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) for ensuring the safe and sustainable repatriation of nearly 1.3 million forcibly displaced Rohingyas from Bangladesh to Myanmar.

He made the urge while briefing ambassadors from OIC member countries at the United Nations headquarters in New York on Thursday, a foreign ministry’s press release said Friday.

During the briefing, Hasan praised the OIC for its leading role in international efforts to alleviate the plight of the Rohingyas and updated the envoys on the current situation of the Rohingyas sheltered in Bangladesh.

The Bangladesh foreign minister expressed deep concern over the increasing conflict in Myanmar’s Rakhine state at the briefing held in the OIC conference room at the UN Headquarters.

He laid emphasized on the need for the Rohingyas’ full citizenship rights upon return to Myanmar.

Ambassadors from OIC member states, including Saudi Arabia, Gambia, Pakistan, Malaysia, Turkey, Iran, Qatar, the United Arab Emirates, Algeria, Egypt and Indonesia, expressed their gratitude to the Bangladesh foreign minister for the timely briefing.

They commended Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina’s generosity in sheltering the Rohingyas and voiced full support for Bangladesh’s demands for their repatriation.

On a two-day official visit to New York starting on 30 May, the foreign minister is scheduled to hold further meetings with top UN officials and representatives from member states.

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