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3rd class govt employees demand their salary hike

Staff Reporter:

The association of third-class government employees formed a human chain in front of the National Press Club in the capital on Friday to press home a six-point demand on better job benefits.

Hundreds of low earning public workers employed in the capital took part in Friday’s demonstration, says a press release. The workers’ association president Lutfor Rahman and general secretary Md Salzar Rahman led the human chain.

They said that the government introduced the last pay scale in 2015, but in the nearly ten years since then policymakers have hiked special payment provisions by only 5% to help blue-collar public sector staff keep pace with the rise in utility bills and rampant inflation.

In this backdrop, their six-point demand outlined Friday includes a 30% hike in monthly salaries, introduction of a new salary structure, initiation of a permanent rationing mechanism, restarting the previoius pension scheme, outilining a new common recruiting policy for staff within and outside the Bangladesh Secretariat and according 10th grade provisions on all diploma degree holders.

The demands also include increasing allowances for accommodation, medical treatment, transportation, educational assistance and tiffins to 100% of basic salary.

If the demands are not met, the blue-collar government staff would hold a mass rally in the capital after Eid-ul-Azha, and hold a march towards the residence of Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina, warned the leaders of the employees.

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