Staff Reporter :
Left Democratic Alliance (LDA) has demanded publishing of white paper on the alleged corruption of
former army chief General Aziz Ahmed and former Inspector General of Police Benazir Ahmed and oth
ers who are involved in money laundering and loan defaulting.
In a meeting of the central steering committee of the LDA on Wednesday, the leaders expressed concern
over the incidents of Aziz, Benazir and ruling Awami League lawmaker Anwarul Azim, saying that these
incidents exposed a terrible picture of corruption.
Such incidents are absolutely impossible without the support of the current government and the patronage
of the upper echelons, the LDA leaders alleged.
Ruhin Hussain Prince, General Secretary of Communist party of Bangladesh (CPB) and Coordinator of
Left Alliance, chaired the meeting at the CPB office in the city.
The meeting urged the government to take appropriate measures to recover the laundered money and de
faulted loans.
Expressing condolence for the victims in the recent cyclone, the meeting demanded taking necessary
measures for rehabilitation of the cyclone-victims.
It expressed concern over the reports of putting more tax burden on the shoulders of people for the benefit
of the looters, following the IMF’s decision ahead of the upcoming budget.
It is said that in order to solve the country’s economic crisis, it is necessary to give priority to the public
interest, including getting out of the current system, recovering black money-laundered money-reckoning
debts, stopping corruption and looting, unnecessary mega projects and stopping the import of luxury
The meeting was addressed by Bangladesh Samajtantrik Dal (BASD) General Secretary Bazlur Rashid
Feroze, Revolutionary Communist League General Secretary Iqbal Kabir Zahid, BASD (Marxist) Gen
eral Secretary Masud Rana, General Secretary of Democratic Revolutionary Party Moshrafa Mishu, Ex
ecutive President of Samajtantrik Party Abdul Ali, Abdus Sattar of Communist League, Mosharraf Hoss
ain Nannu, Shahidul Islam Sabuj of Democratic Revolutionary Party, Taslima Akhter Beauty of Basad