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Int’l Day of UN Peacekeepers today

Staff Reporter:

Bangladesh will observe International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers today.
A number of activities will be arranged on the day, the Inter-Services Public Relations Directorate (ISPR) said in a release on Tuesday.
Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives Minister Md Tajul Islam will attend the Peacekeepers Run-2024, as a chief guest.
A programme commemorating the peacekeepers will be held at Bangabandhu International Conference Centre.
The families and relatives of the injured and martyred peacekeepers will be honoured at the programme. Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will join the programme as the chief guest.
Special journals and supplements will be published by the national dailies to highlight the significance of the day and talk shows will be aired by TV channels, according to the release.
Documentaries on Bangladesh’s peacekeeping activities will also be aired.
Members of the cabinet, ambassadors and high commissioners of different countries, UN resident coordinator in Bangladesh, chiefs of the armed forces, military adviser to the UN Peacekeeping Mission, members of parliament, Principal Staff Officer (PSO) of the armed forces, inspector general of police, senior officials of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, senior military and civilian officials including media personalities will be present at the program.
Currently, 6,092 peacekeepers are deployed in 13 countries, including 493 female peacekeepers.
Since its inception, a total of 168 Bangladeshi peacekeepers have been martyred in UN peacekeeping missions. This year, three wounded peacekeepers are being honored.
President Mohammed Shahabuddin and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina issued separate messages in this regard.
In his message, the president said since 1988, the highest standard of professionalism, devotion, bravery and outstanding contribution of the Bangladeshi peacekeepers in UN peacekeeping has upheld the image of Bangladesh at the international arena. The peacekeepers of Bangladesh have also been able to secure a dignified status in peacekeeping missions.
Bangladesh is one of the largest troops contributing nations in the UN peacekeeping missions, he said.
Utmost sincerity, discipline, efficiency and humanitarian activities have played an immense role to the success of our peacekeepers.
“I firmly believe that Bangladeshi peacekeepers, performing their duties with honesty, efficiency and professionalism would be able to continue this trend in establishing world peace, harmony, and amity in the days to come. I wish the observance of the ‘International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers 2024’ a grand success,” he said.
In her message, the Prime Minister said “I am hopeful that the courage and dedication of our peacekeeping members will elevate Bangladesh’s standing as a formidable peacekeeping nation, tirelessly working to prevent conflicts, protect civilians, ensure human rights, and establish peace. Together, we will continue to enhance our country’s image and make it shine brighter.”
“I wish all the programs undertaken on the occasion of the ‘International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers-2024’ grand success and well-being for all peacekeepers,” she said.

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