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3.7 lakh govt posts remain vacant

Staff Reporter:

A total of 3.70 lakh positions out of 19.151 lakh government jobs remain vacant, Public Administration Minister Farhad Hossain said yesterday.
The minister revealed this information during a dialogue organized by the Bangladesh Secretariat Reporters Forum (BSRF).
Addressing a question about women lagging behind in the Bangladesh Civil Service (BCS), the minister noted that out of 58 secretaries under Public Administration, 11 are women. Besides, there are 75 female additional secretaries, 164 female joint secretaries, 394 female deputy secretaries. Additionally, there are 658 senior assistant secretaries, seven female deputy commissioners, 151 female UNOs, and 88 female AC land officers.
“We are making progress in women empowerment, with women constituting 29 percent of government job holders,” he stated.
“In the 35th BCS, 27.95% are female governments officials, in 36th BCS, the number of female officials are 26.22%, in 37th BCS, 24.37% are female officials, 26.91% female officials found in 38th BCS, the rate of female officials in 40th is 26.03% and in 41st BCS the number stands at 26.71%,” he said.
In the 29th BCS, 46.81% females were appointed as government officials while the rate surpassed to 49.02% in the 42nd BCS, said the minister.
The minister said, even after the cancellation of 10 percent women quota, women are getting recruitment as before. There was no disruption here. From the 40th BCS, there is no quota for women, he said, adding that the rate of women in BCS has not decreased.
A total of 26-27 percent women were recommended for each BCS, he said.
Responding to a question about allegations against 351 government officials from grade-1 to grade-9 over the past ten years, Farhad Hossain said that 41 received severe punishment and 140 received light punishment. In total, 181 officials were punished, while 170 were discharged.
Regarding concerns about not maintaining policy in promotions, the minister assured, “Promotions and postings are conducted following proper policies. We have a well-ordered system. It’s important to consider various factors such as officers studying abroad under government scholarships, assignments in embassies abroad, and health issues of some officers. We take all these factors into account.
BSRF president Fasih Uddin Mahtab and its general secretary Masudul Haque administered the programme.

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