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PM will visit cyclone-hit areas once weather situation improves: Quader

Staff Reporter:

Awami League (AL) General Secretary Obaidul Quader on Monday said that party President and Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina will visit the cyclone-hit areas once the weather situation improves.

“Prime Minister Sheikh Hasina monitored the situation of the cyclonic storm ‘Remal’ remaining sleepless throughout the (last) night. Once the weather situation gets normal, she will visit the cyclone affected areas,” he said.

Quader, also road transport and bridges minister, said this at a press conference on the contemporary issues at AL President Sheikh Hasina’s political office in the city’s Dhanmondi area.

He said other party leaders will accompany the Prime Minister during her visit to the cyclone-hit areas.

Noting that he heard about the death of some people due to cyclone ‘Remal’, the AL general secretary said the coastal areas witnessed high tide during the storm.

The cyclone ‘Remal’ caused massive damages to households and infrastructures in the coastal areas, he said, adding that the public representatives and AL leaders and activists have been instructed to stand beside the cyclone-affected people.

Besides, the government has provided dry foods and fresh water while work is underway to assess the extent of the damage, Quader said.

AL Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim, organizing secretaries BM Mozammel Haque, Mirza Azam, SM Kamal Hossain and Sujit Roy Nandi, Relief and Social Welfare Affairs Secretary Aminul Islam Amin and Deputy Office Secretary Sayem Khan, among others, were present at the press conference, among others.

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