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President urges docs to promote local treatment

Staff Reporter:

President Mohammed Shahabuddin urged officials at specialized hospitals, including BSMMU, to take steps to promote local treatment and discourage patients from seeking overseas treatment.
He stressed the need to support patients’ treatment in national super-specialized hospitals such as Banga-bandhu Sheikh Mujib Medical University (BSMMU).
The President instructed yesterday during a meeting with the Vice-Chancellor of the BSMMU, Professor Dr. Deen Mohammad Nurul Haque, at the Bangabhaban.
After the meeting, the president’s press secretary, Md Joynal Abedin, briefed the media.
The President was apprised by the BSMMU Vice-Chancellor of the university’s overall activities or oper-ations, particularly healthcare services, Abedin said.
The President, also the university’s Chancellor, directed authorities concerned to always give priority to quality and timely treatment.
Furthermore, Abedin mentioned that the Vice-Chancellor of Islamic Arabic University (IAU), Professor Md Abdur Rashid, also met the President at Bangabhaban.
During this meeting, the VC outlined the university’s current activities and future plans.
President Shahabuddin stressed the importance of updating the curriculum to meet modern standards, enabling IAU students in various madrasas to compete effectively with other university students.
Moreover, President Shahabuddin urged university officials to take steps to enhance students’ English language and IT skills.
President’s Office Secretary Md Wahidul Islam Khan and Military Secretary Major General Mohammed Adil Chowdhury were present at the meetings.

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