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No journo faces harassment in Digital Act: Quader

Staff Reporter:

Awami League (AL) General Secretary and Road Transport and Bridges Minister Obaidul Quader yes-terday said the government remains alert so that no journalists face any harassment in the name of Digi-tal Act.
He said this while addressing the founding anniversary program of the Dhaka Reporters Unity (DRU) on the premises of DRU at Segunbagicha in the capital.
Quader also urged the journalist community to remain alert so that none undermine the noble profession-journalism by practicing ill-journalism in the name of journalism.
“Many people, who don’t know journalism or report, enter government offices. They are not journalists. Everyone should remain alert about these kinds of fake journalists,” he said.
Mentioning that the AL government never opposes criticism, as it purifies itself, he said, “We also make criticism, but it should be constructive one.”
DRU President Syed Shukur Ali Shuvo chaired the program, which was conducted by its general secre-tary Mohiuddin.
Jatiya Party Chairman GM Quader and AL Joint General Secretary AFM Bahauddin Nasim, among oth-ers, spoke on the occasion.

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