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MP Anar murder
DB to seek help from Interpol

Staff Reporter:

Detective Branch (DB) Chief Mohammad Harun-or-Rashid on Sunday said they will seek help from In-terpol to bring back Akhtaruzzaman Shaheen, the fugitive ‘mastermind’ of Jhenaidah-4 MP Anwarul Azim Anar murder.
He made the remark while talking to reporters at Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport on Sunday morning just before leaving the airport for Kolkata to investigate the murder case.
Harun, also additional commissioner of Dhaka Metropolitan Police, said an application will be submitted through the Inspector General of Police for repatriation of Shaheen, a childhood friend of the slain MP.
Detectives of Kolkata and Dhaka confirmed that Shaheen was the mastermind of the murder.
A DB team will first go to the murder scene in Kolkata and they will interrogate Jihad, who was arrested in India in connection with the murder, he said.
On Sunday morning, a three-member DB team left Dhaka and reached Kolkata around 11am to investi-gate the murder of MP Anar, one of the members of the team confirmed it to .
The team, led by the DB chief, includs DB Wari Division Deputy Commissioner Md. Abdul Ahad and Additional Deputy Commissioner Shahidur Rahman.
MP Anar went to Kolkata on May 11 for medical treatment and he remained untraced since May 14.
Home Minister Asaduzzaman Khan on May 22 said the MP was brutally killed at a flat in New Town, near Kolkata.
A case was filed on May 22 following the death of MP Anar.
A Dhaka court on Friday granted an 8-day remand to three accused arrested in connection with the mur-der.

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