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Killers chopped Azim’s body into 80 pieces, removed skin

Staff Reporter:

After killing Bangladesh MP Anwarul Azim Anar at a flat in Kolkata, the killers first removed skin from his body and then chopped it into 80 pieces so that no one can identify the victim.

The killers also mixed turmeric with body parts so that it cannot spread odour, said Kolkata police on Saturday as saying butcher Jihad during the interrogation.

The West Bengal Criminal Investigation Department (CID) on 24 May arrested Jihad, a Bangladeshi national who has been working as a butcher in Mumbai of Kolkata for a long time, in connection with Azim’s murder.

During the interrogation, Jihad confessed that he himself removed the skin, chopped the body into 80 parts and mixed turmeric, and then threw it away in many water bodies in Newtown area in exchange for only Tk 5000, said the investigation team.

The dismembered body parts may have been consumed by various animals living in the water bodies, CID suspects.

The Kolkata CID team is engaged in conducting a vigorous search at all possible place with Jihad but so far failed to recover any single part of the body, according to reports of many Indian news portals.

Azim was accompanied by two men and a woman when he checked into the New Town apartment.

CCTV footage showed that the unidentified men and woman left the residential complex in phases between 15 May and 17 May, and at least two of the three later returned to Bangladesh.

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