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Maritime ports advise to hoist signal no 3

Staff Reporter:

Maritime ports of Chattogram, Cox’s Bazar, Mongla and Payra have been advised to hoist local cautionary signal number three lowering distant cautionary signal number in the wake of the deep depression over the North Bay.

Squally weather may affect the maritime ports, North Bay and adjoining coastal areas of Bangladesh as deep convection is taking place over North Bay, said a special bulletin of the Bangladesh Meteorological Department (BMD) this afternoon.

The deep depression over East central bay and adjoining west central bay moved northwards over the same area (near lat: 18.2on, lon: 89.8oe) and was centered at 12 noon about 500 kms southwest of Chattogram port, 435 kms southwest of Cox’s Bazer port, 475 kms south of Mongla port and 425 kms south of Payra port,

It is likely to intensify and move northwards further, added the bulletin.

Maximum sustained wind speed within 48 kms of the deep depression centre is about 50 kph rising to 60 kph in gusts/squalls.

Sea will remain rough near the deep depression centre and thus all fishing boats and trawlers over North Bay and deep sea have been advised to take shelter immediately.

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