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Evaly’s Russell, Shamima acquitted after compromising with plaintiffs

Staff Reporter:

Evaly Managing Director Md Russel and his wife and Chairman of the e-commerce company Shamima Nasrin have been acquitted in a case of financial fraud after they paid the plaintiff his due money to avoid court sentences.

Dhaka Metropolitan Magistrate Mohammad Sheikh Sadi’s court passed the acquittal order on Thursday. The plaintiff’s lawyer Abu Taher Rony told reporters that fearing legal punishments, Russel and Shamima proposed to the plaintiff to settle the matter mutually.

As the plaintiff Ali Reza Farooq agreed the Evaly top executives paid back his money before the court on 23 May, prompting the court to acquit them.

According to court sources, Reza Farooq paid nearly Tk3 lakh for buying a motor bike on 29 November 2021.

After failing to deliver the bike on time, Evaly gave a cheque to Reza Farooq, but it bounced when tried to deposit it at a bank on 16 January 2022.

The plaintiff subsequently contacted the defendants, who said they would return the money. Later, as the defendants started dragging their foot, Reza Farooq sent them a legal notice. The top Evaly executives still did not take steps to pay back Reza’s money.

Reza Farooq felt compelled to file a case in 2022 to get back his money. In the case, two people have testified in the court.

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